Tuesday, April 20, 2010

How to make your frantic times more manageable

Have you ever read any of Stephen Covey’s books? If so, you are familiar with his quadrants. Covey explains that there are 4 quadrants of operation:

1. Important and Urgent (crises, deadline-driven projects)
2. Important, Not Urgent (preparation, prevention, planning, relationships)
3. Urgent, Not Important (interruptions, many pressing matters)
4. Not Urgent, Not Important (trivia, time wasters)

Even the most organized person can be thrown for a loop in life and be forced to operate in the 1st quadrant. Things just explode and you are basically just surviving. But if your life is generally organized, than not only will you weather the storm with less fall out, but you will also recover more quickly.

Why not schedule a little time out of a 2nd quadrant day to do some organizing? Take a day that is less hectic then the rest and take a half hour to get some things in your life in order. If you do this on a regular basis, then 1st quadrant fall outs won’t be so stressful.

Meagan Farrell, professional organizer, is the owner of Clear the Clutter organizing services. She can be reached at (360) 631-7268 or at clear_theclutter@yahoo.com. Check out her blog at http://cleartheclutterprofessionalorganizing.blogspot.com/

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