Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Managing Gift Cards

Gift cards usually make a great gift. They are inexpensive to mail and the recipient can get something they really want…..usually. There is a catch to all this – when you receive a gift card to a store/restaurant/location that you do not like or that is not convenient to get to. If this it the case, I have the solution. There are three main websites that will allow you to sell or swap your gift cards for a majority of the face value: cardpool.com, plasticjungle.com or giftcardrescue.com. Simply get online and sell. Another option is to let all your friends know about your unwanted card and see if anyone wants to sell or swap that card with you. You can even post it on Facebook.

Got gift cards that you can use? Make sure you keep them in a way that will make it easy for you to remember to use them. Get a pocket sized photo wallet (places like the Dollar Tree sell these) and keep all your gift cards in that. When you are going shopping or out for dinner, pull out your stash and take advantage of your gifts!

Meagan Farrell, professional organizer, is the owner of Clear the Clutter organizing services. She can be reached at (360) 631-7268 or at clear_theclutter@yahoo.com. Check out her blog at http://cleartheclutterprofessionalorganizing.blogspot.com/

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